23 ago 2008

Superheroe Quiz

Bien, aquí el test para ver que personaje de Marvel sos.

Y luego aquí el para ver cual sos de DC.

A mi de Marvel me salio Daredevil. Tiene sentido desde que siempre ando jactandome de mi oido y olfato desarrollados, y de que acepte que a esta altura mi vista anda como el orto. Luego Wolverine y despues Nightcrawler (todo por poner que me considero "sneaky", despues dicen que no hay que generalizar).

De DC me salio el Joker... ¡Soy un maldito sociopata! Aunque aclaré muy bien que no creo que el fin justifique los medios y me considere innatamente una persona buena y escencialmente "moral... mente flexible", pero moral al fin. Luego Hawkman y Green Lantern (maldita obsesión con el verde, no me dejó mentir).

Bueno, a ver que les sale. Les comento que el de DC es mucho más largo (dura el doble) así que no se aburran. Chiao peasants.

9 garcaron este post:

Destro dijo...

Which Marvel character are you most like?
You scored as a Iron Man
Iron Man is a billionaire named Tony Stark. He has no actual powers, but he does have a suit that lets him fly, shoot energy beams, and makes him almost invincible. That's pretty cool.

Iron Man 85%
Wolverine 75%
Cyclops 75%
Storm 75%
Nightcrawler 50%
The Hulk 50%
Spider-man 50%
The Human torch 40%
Captain America 40%
Daredevil 40%

Destro dijo...

What Famous DC Character Are You?

You scored as a The Green Lantern
You are The Green Lantern! You are powerful when alone, but prefer to work in groups. You rely on other things to give you strength and encouragement. You understand that although your talents may not be entirely unique, they are still powerful and only amplified when you are around similar people. Your power is your will!

The Green Lantern 65%
Superman 56%
Batman 52%
Wonder Woman 42%
Hawkman 40%
The Flash 38%
Darkseid 31%
The Joker 19%

el11 dijo...

Which Marvel character are you most like?
You scored as a The Hulk
The Hulk is an unstoppable, mighty being with incomprehensible strength and a resistance to pretty much everything in his way. What else is there to say?
The Hulk 65%
The Human torch 60%
Spider-man 50%
Wolverine 50%
Iron Man 50%
Storm 40%
Cyclops 30%
Daredevil 30%
Nightcrawler 30%
Captain America 25%

el11 dijo...

What Famous DC Character Are You?
You scored as a The Flash
You are The Flash! You speed through life without every taking a chance to look around. Then again, you don't really need to. You are able to act quicker and respond more imediately than any of your fellows. No one can keep up with you!

The Flash 58%
Superman 56%
The Joker 52%
The Green Lantern 52%
Wonder Woman 52%
Darkseid 46%
Batman 38%
Hawkman 33%

Horus dijo...

Iron Man - lidera la loser league y subsiguientes grupos de vagos.

Superman - vuela a todos lados solo si lo necesita o lleva a sus superamigos de paseo tranquilamente, se garcha una reportera fuertisima haciendose el gil, sin drama le daria masa a su prima y ni hablar de las hnas de los supervagos.

Nesherius dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Nesherius dijo...

Which Marvel character are you most like?
You scored as a Cyclops
Cyclops, a.k.a. Scott Summers, has the ability to fire beams of energy from his eyes. He holds his beams back by wearing ruby-quartz glasses. Cyclops is the X-men's team leader, and often is unhappy with Wolverine, who does things his own way. Cyclops fits the bill as a leader. After all, he can kill people by looking at them.
Cyclops 80%
Spider-man 75%
Storm 75%
Iron Man 50%
Nightcrawler 50%
Daredevil 40%
The Human torch 35%
Captain America 35%
Wolverine 30%
The Hulk 15%

Nesherius dijo...

What Famous DC Character Are You?
You scored as a The Green Lantern
You are The Green Lantern! You are powerful when alone, but prefer to work in groups. You rely on other things to give you strength and encouragement. You understand that although your talents may not be entirely unique, they are still powerful and only amplified when you are around similar people. Your power is your will!
The Green Lantern 58%
Batman 56%
Hawkman 46%
Wonder Woman 46%
Superman 44%
The Flash 40%
Darkseid 25%
The Joker 21%

Horus dijo...

jajaja, nesherius es ciclope por los anteojos y ademas fuma fasooooo